Particle Size Analyzers

0. Before Install A Fisher Sub Sieve Sizer

Dear Sir or Madam,

First of all thank you for using AimSizer products: HMK-22 Fisher Sub Sieve Sizer.

Before start please kindly follow the procedures below for an effective installation:

User will find all the relevant documents in the spare part kit supplied with the unit
Below are some attentions during unpacking and usage:

-Pay attention to the glass side when uplifting. (See Sticker)
-Remove the screw on the pump support to activate the damper. (See sticker)
-Connect the hose to the high needle valve only after filling the manometer. (See sticker)
-Gently fill in the manometer in order to prevent air bubble from getting inside.

Even if the unit is easy to use, user might meet minor problem some time during installation or operation, do not worry please feel free to contact our local support or AimSizer, we are ready to solve the problem as soon as we can.
Thank you and best regards,

AimSizer Team

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