201-41 Does the particle size belongs to physical analysis or chemical analysis? fisher sub sieve sizer
HMKTest has the following answers to the question whether the fisher sub sieve size belongs to physical analysis or chemical analysis: the fisher sub sieve size belongs to physical analysis, not the chemical analysis. When testing the fisher sub sieve size, the HMK-22 Fisher sub sieve sizer will be used. Take the commonly seen HMK-22 fisher sub sieve sizer as an example, before it odes the test, in the process of powder sample preparation, the measures taken are simply compaction, and then the average particle size of the powder is analyzed by air transmission method. Moreover, the air transmission method doesn’t change the physical characteristics of the sample. So the average particle size belongs to physical analysis, not chemical analysis.
Fisher Sub Sieve Sizer https://www.isizer.com/fisher-sub-sieve-sizer-principle/